The schemes operated by UCS reflect the needs of the user and provider alike. Decisions taken must be impartial of these requirements. Whilst remaining realistic and practical, UCS works according to the policies within a legislative framework and requirements of the accreditation board.
UCS shall impose the suspension based on the conditions defined in the certification rules. The Certification shall be suspend due to the below given reasons:-
If the audit is not conducted within the specified scheduled time frame.
If the client fails to clear the dues/fees or any expenses incurred during the audit.
The certificate shall be suspended if the standard you are complying with, is not established.
The reasons which caused suspension shall be complied within maximum of 1 month after this the suspended certificate will be withdrawn.
Communications involved before the suspension of the certification.
Reminder letter.
Pre-Suspension letter.
Suspension Letter.
Universal for Certification Services LTD Shall Strive To Communicate every possible thing related to the client’s Certification status in every Possible manner. The same shall be achieved through following means.
The various stages (as applicable) in which Universal for Certification Services LTD shall be communicating shall be as follows.
Intimation for the Audits..
Auditor Release Information.
Audit completion status
Confirmation of the receipt of the Documents by Universal for Certification Services LTD
Continuation of the Certifications/Release of Certificate.
Occasional Wishes.
Pre- Suspension Letter
Suspension Letter
Pre-Cancellation Letter.
Cancellation Letter.
Any Other Relevant Information
Mode of Communication
Social Medias
Today, many companies want to not only meet their Organizations' needs, but also provide better products and services.
ISO 14001:2015 is an international standard for environmental management systems(EMS).
SO 45001 is a occupational safety and health management system, and the existing OHSAS 18001:2007 standard has been replaced by ISO 45001 in 2018.
Read MoreISO 22000 is an international standard suitable for the entire food chain business, including equipment production, material packaging, detergents, additives and raw materials.
The HACCP Certificate provides vital information about the guidelines that are necessary for implementation of proper food quality management systems in the company premises that are essential for ensuring the best quality of food products delivered to the customers.
Read MoreISO 21001 is designed to be applicable to organizations that support competency development through any education, learning or research. Organizations that produce or manufacture only educational products are not covered by ISO 21001.